After being so focused on photography, the business and all that it entails, I was stressed. I found myself glued to our mac constantly working on some project. Meanwhile, my near four year old son and baby daughter were playing around me and asking, "Did you hear me Mommy? I said I'm a T-Rex dinosaur!" I found myself too stressed, busy and focused to stop and play. Brian reminded me, "You are a Mommy who happens to be a photographer, not a photographer who happens to be a Mommy. Every day that you push them aside for "work" you forever lose with them. Don't let them grow up remembering you as glued to the computer!"
I was in tears. He was right! I had somehow allowed the business to get in front of my main task!
I took the next day and played tractors in the Playdoh, cooed with my baby on the floor and got absolutely nothing done. It felt marvelous!!! Obviously I cannot always do that, but I want to be known to my four children as a Mommy who plays and laughs and has time for them, not what I have developed into!!
This is the little delight of my life...our sweet baby we often call "DQ." She has brought more joy to my heart than I ever knew much so that I didn't even notice that she was colicky until that was the diagnosis given to her at the hospital last week! (...and actually, she's doing much better!)