Well, it's 2:45 am and I'm back at the computer after waking up with images of these boys at the farm in my mind. No telling when the muse will land! I just HAD to get up and try out some of my brainstorms! So here I am, now wanting to show a sneak peak at another favorite shot because I got it just perfect! :)
We are in the process of doing so many things right now. We are transforming our homeschool room into a client show room, I updated our website (this took me hours yesterday), I am brainstorming ideas for how to decorate our daughters' room (that old carpet simply must come up!) and we are trying to learn to use a new online showroom for our clients as well as learning to blog! Fortunately blogging is the easiest of all of them!
The push for Father's Day creates a bit of a backlog in our processing so I'm doing all I can to get people's orders in and through! And that means being up in the middle of the night! Yesterday we enjoyed the "Dog Birthday Party" thrown by our 8 and 6 year old girls on behalf of our puppy reaching adulthood. I can't wait to download those pictures...and if you're lucky you may just get a peak at those too! :)