The Photographer's Prayer
Oh God, as I bring my subject into focus and prepare to make each portrait,
never let me forget that I'm creating treasures for some family, a
keepsake for loved ones. Make me sensitive to the qualities and virtues
of others, that I may draw out into the light the beautiful radiant belongings
of their hearts.
Help me to be an artist, collecting the beauty of every soul, the glow of youth,
the gentleness, the laughter or tears of each life that is precious in Thy sight.
Deeper than a means of livelihood, give me the perspective to see my
photographer's art as a service to others, making life richer and more
And, dear Lord, between the lights and shadows, the ups and downs and the
rolling years, keep me from getting out of focus or off center, so that my life
and work may be framed with dignity and colored with contentment ...
Author Unknown
Oh God, as I bring my subject into focus and prepare to make each portrait,
never let me forget that I'm creating treasures for some family, a
keepsake for loved ones. Make me sensitive to the qualities and virtues
of others, that I may draw out into the light the beautiful radiant belongings
of their hearts.
Help me to be an artist, collecting the beauty of every soul, the glow of youth,
the gentleness, the laughter or tears of each life that is precious in Thy sight.
Deeper than a means of livelihood, give me the perspective to see my
photographer's art as a service to others, making life richer and more
And, dear Lord, between the lights and shadows, the ups and downs and the
rolling years, keep me from getting out of focus or off center, so that my life
and work may be framed with dignity and colored with contentment ...
Author Unknown