With the hectic schedule of the holidays, working extra hard to get everyone's Christmas cards finished and all our orders in, we didn't feel like we were able to just enjoy our family. We intentionally did not schedule any sessions in December so that we could be together, making merry, but in spite of those efforts, there was still so much to be done in photography land. However, after the final order was carefully packaged and delivered, life took on a new rhythm. It was like the crazy, hurried pace we had been living just was put on pause.
I was careful not to blog anyone's sessions from the end of the year so as to not ruin their Christmas cards when people received them...and so that meant that I didn't blog. (Which was nice to have one less task to do! ;)) Now I want to just post a few images from our *pause* time...delightful time with our children, family and friends.

We have so treasured one another's company in these days!! Playing games, decorating cookies, reading aloud together, trips to visit friends and family, seeing animals at the zoo, playing and laughing together we savor the hugs we spontaneously receive from these sweet children we've been blessed to raise. I have no regrets for the time away from work...only sweet precious memories and the confidence that I have chosen well.
Now that it's time to get back to work, I wonder how we can somehow carry over the wonderful mood that has come over our family as life picks up speed. The very purpose of doing photography is to be able to have reminders of the treasure that it was to be together in *that* moment! As I photograph others, can I somehow keep my lens aimed at my own memories? I want to live well, I want to snuggle and cherish and I want to preserve memories for others as well. May God give me wisdom to accomplish both!