Monday, August 16, 2010

Delightful Family Fun!

Just yesterday (wow--not sure any session has ever been blogged so quickly!) we had the chance to photograph some beautiful people in a beautiful location! These are sweet friends of ours from many years back and we had been trying to connect our own visits "home" where they live with the perfect time to do a session for them. It finally happened yesterday! Although it was hotter than blazes, the clouds rolled in and gave us incredible light! I am so pleased with what we captured! I hope you guys are too! :)

Kyle peeks out of his little door!
Of course they always stroll through the park hand in hand!! ;)
This was her very own posing idea!

Sweet girls.
I loved this softer, 1960's-esque treatment of this image...
so dreamy with her eyes only for her man!
They're just plain cool.
The boys.
This is probably one of my very favorites from the session.
Enjoy peeking through other sessions by visiting the galleries on our main website: